diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011


By Àlex Santomà

Toys. Everybody has played with toys in his childhood: rich, poor, Chinese, African, European people... In short: everyone. Toys were part of us when we were young: playmobils, action man, scalextrix, nancy... All of us has had, at least, more than one toy in his house. But, are the same the toys of the past than today toys? No. Before, the toys were only a doll, a car, a simple piece of wood, or a stone.. You could spend all the day with one doll inside of one car, or with a piece of woof, imagining that that was a sword, and you imagined that "invisible enemies" were around you. You didn't need to plug in the toys, and you could bring them anywhere. You had fun always everywhere anytime with anybody. Nowadays, the toys are all electric, like radio-controlled cars, electric-dolls..., and in some toys you need a CD to play, like PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo..., but, are these new toys funnier? No, before you should spend days playing the same thing, but now you get tired of the toy in a few days. Nowadays, the toys do all, you don't imagine and you can't do anything, because for one game, there is one toy. Before, with one toy you could play hundreds of games, and the toys were a little bit of the fun, and the imagination was all the part of the fun. Now, the toys put all the imagination, and you don't have to do anything.

1 comentari:

  1. Hi, I am visit your blogs and read content. Your services are very nice. I am very impressed from your content and service. I know that Remote controlled toys are very in joyful for children.
