divendres, 13 de maig del 2011

FUTURE, a big question

By Nicolás Ordax

How do we imagine future? How will we move? How will we live? Everyone makes himself these questions.

Personally, I think that people in the future will be more ecological. I think people will recycle more and pollute less. Today, for example, people drive petrol cars and doesn't recycle much. In the future, cars will be electrical and people will recycle more every day. So, I think environement won't be so affected like it's today.

One point about I'm not so optimistic is the third world. Unfortunately, I think that people will stay egoistic and won't help the needed people, but I hope I'm wrong.

My vision of the future is a global net of everything: information, passengers, goods...much more evolved than now. Everyone will be able to travel everywhere, to buy things which are produced on the other side of the world, get the news exactly when they happen and much other things. This will improve living conditions because we'll have much more choices in our lives.

Technology will improve a lot from nowadays. In my opinion, we'll be able to live on the moon or create sophisticated robots which will work in factories or on the farms. So they will ease a lot our lives. There won't be need to work, because all will be done for us.

On the other side, it might be that in the future, humanity doesn't evolve; or that it gets back; or a lot of other options. The only certain thing is that we don't know what will happen.

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