dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010

A day without internet

By Xènia Nogué

What would happen if one day there was no Internet? In the 1st and 2nd ESO classrooms there are computers that students use to work on all their subjects. What is more, they need the Internet to read their virtual books.

So if one day the Internet does not work, these students cannot do anything. And they do not have books with which to do something different, so they do not study.

I think that this is the problem: they cannot do their class if there is no Internet. So, the question is: what do they do when they haven't got Internet? They talk, or play various games. I think this is not good for them. It is true that teachers must have another plan for these situations but it almost never works.

Ultimately, I think that it is another problem derived from working with computers and the Internet.

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