diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010

The new generation of school books

By Xènia Nogué

The new computers for the students of 1st and 2nd E.S.O. is a real polemic. Somebody says that it's good for them because they can learn to use a computer and they don't have to carry with books every day and everywhere.

However, I think that it is stupid because the most of the students on this age know how to use a computer and they have to carry with the portable computer and, furthermore, with some books. On top of that they can buy the books for the computer for only 30€ but I think that for this cost the quality will probably be low.

In general I think that these computers are bad for the student's health because they are all day sitting on a chair in front of the computer, thing that I think is bad for their eyes and backs.

Maybe there is something good on this but I can't find it. Maybe it's true that the students don't have to carry so much as before, but between books and computers they carry so much.

I think that to work with computers is a good thing but there is something that is tought bad. If the students can go on Internet always they want they aren't studying. They are playing games online all the day and it isn't good for their learning process.

For me, it doesn't matter if they want to play instead of study. But then, all the politicians say that learning process in Spain is very bad and they try to fix it now but not for the best way, in my opinion. They can put computers for all the students but blok the internet or simply only Facebook and the games online.

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