dijous, 10 de març del 2011


By Joel Suñé

There are a lot of overweight and obese children in the United States. The percentage is 33%, 1 out of 3 kids, and this figure is still rising. So, that's alarming.

This happens because many kids do not take any exercise and spend more time playing videogames, watching TV, on the computer... Furthermore, they eat a lot of fast food and drink soft drinks, so it's normal that they get fat. Nowadays families are very busy and cannot prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals, so children eat fast food everyday.

Parents need to take some measures to prevent kids from becoming overweight. The problems are nutrition and the exercise, and if you know what the problems are then it is easy to find the solutions. But the solution is not just knowing these measures, it is a question of adapting the child to the new order: adapting the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together. Helping kids lead healthy lifestyles begins with parents who lead by example.

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