diumenge, 20 de gener del 2013

The Strange Similarities With President Assassinations

By Andrea Parisca

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in April 14, 1865. This was a sad day in America knowing that a civil rights actavist was murdered so brutally. The thing is that almost 100 years later a strangely similar phenomenon occured. On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Another horrible tragedy for americans to grieve about, remembering that he too was a very popular civil rights actavist. Although the events aren't exactly 100 years apart you'll be suprised to find out that both presidents were killed by a single shot in the head. Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was born in 1838. He shot lincoln, who was in the Ford theatre, while hidding in a nearby warehouse. Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was born in 1939. Lee shot Kennedy, while traveling in his car called Lincoln built by Ford. At the moment Oswald shot Kennedy, he was hidden in a theatre. Both shootings occured on a Friday. Both of the shooters were known by their three names composed of fifteen letters.
Everyone Knows how truly important both presidents were in shaping how the U.S. is today and i'm sure that no one forgot when they were chosen to lead the country. Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846, Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946. Lincoln was elected for president in 1860 while Kennedy was elected in 1960. Both of the first ladies lost one child while living in the white house. If this isn't enough information to raise a question, President Abraham Lincoln had a secretary by the name of Kennedy who advised him to not go to the theatre the night of his murder while, President John F. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln who suggested to him to avoid going to Dallas. Finally Lincoln's sucessor was named Andrew Johnson and was born in 1808 and John F. Kennedy's sucessor was named Lyndon Johnson and was born in1908.
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